Someone with way too much time on their hands, apparently. Nothing to see here. Move along...

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Duran Duran and a Kasabian Footnote

Firstly the footnote: Kasabian and I are to be wed. I wanted you all to be the first to know. Isn't that exciting? It will be an outdoor ceremony on the easement in front of my apartment building. I can't understand a word they're saying, but they sure do look pretty! And they sing pretty, too! Ahhhh wedded bliss.

And now, Duran Duran. First of all, let me just say it really made me appreciate the attractiveness and the youth of the average fan at the shows I usually go to. Those shows are filled with people from the ages of about 21 to about 40, all semi-fashionable, smart girls, and messy-haired, weepy emo boys. Last night was filled with... well, let's just say, I am not young but I was definitely among the youngest people there. I am not a fashion plate, but the fact that I was wearing bootcut, low-rise jeans and a fitted jacket was terrifying to these people.

It was a damned train wreck, that's what I'm getting at.

And the show itself was cute.

That's what you want to hear after pouring your heart and soul out on stage for 2 hours... 'um, nice show! it was cute!' But really, I can't think of any other way to describe it.

Simon was definitely singing, but there was also definitely a backing track, so at times he would take the mic down from his mouth and miraculously would still be singing. I've never seen that before (again, the shows I go to...), so it really took away from it for me.

They played almost everything I wanted to hear from back in the day (except for 'The Reflex,' which struck me as odd), not as many new songs as I'd expected (which I think was a good thing), and there was an anime thing was hilarious... I loved it! Duran Duran as superheroes. Very cute.

And they look great, of course. But come on, they're 80, there's not a lot of jumping around anymore, if you know what I mean.

Simon had an arrogance onstage that I will definitely forgive him for, seeing as how he's, well, Simon LeBon, for godssake, and if anyone can get away with it, he can. Brandon Flowers, however, can't get away with that yet, no matter how hard he tries.

But for some reason it was very disconcerting to hear Simon cursing. It doesn't bother me when any other frontman does it, seeing as how I have to concentrate NOT to curse, but when Simon did it, it sounded somehow... beneath him. Like he was trying to be all hip with the kids today. Even though the audience was filled with 60 year olds. Someone was holding up a sign that read, 'Play That Funky Bass, John!' Simon leaned forward, read it out loud and said, 'funky bass? FUNKY bass?!? John doesn't play 'funky' bass, he plays the FUCKING BASS!' Then he started chanting it. It sounded like, well, imagine one of your parents very rich, very sophisticated friends chanting the word 'fuck' while dressed in his smoking jacket, holding his dirty martini. That's about the size of it.

Overall though, the show was good. It was fine. Nice, even. And, well... cute.